Welcome to the 15th Korea, China, Japan Joint Conference on Geography!
On behalf of the Korean Geographical Society, we would like to express appreciation to you for your interest in this year’s conference, and we look forward to your participation this year.
We are glad that this year’s conference will finally be held in Korea.
Considering the pandemic that we have experienced, we believe that this year’s conference will provide the participants with the venue for the discussions regarding recent geographical phenomena and their implications.
The key theme of this conference is “Livable Cities, Resilient Future.” There will be at least eight special sessions and topics that span from COVID-19, resilience, GIS, and recent issues and topics in human geography and physical geography, focusing on marginalized groups and climate change, among others. On the last day of the conference, a field trip that highlights DMZ and a mixture of modern and traditional places as well as the ecological history of Seoul will be offered.
We hope that everybody who joins the conference enjoys fruitful academic conversations and networking opportunities.
Organizing Committee of the 15th Korea, China, Japan Joint Conference on Geography